March 20, 2009


Det känns skönt att komma tillbaka från ett uppehåll med några versioner av den här helt makalösa hymnen signerad Bobby Troup i bakfickan. Ljudfiler har byggt bo i en uppladdad mapp längre ner i inlägget om dessa inspelningar skulle falla herrskapet i smaken. Där hittar ni inte bara "For Their Hearts Were Full of Spring" utan även "A Young Man Is Gone". Den sistnämnda är en The Beach Boys-låt baserad på samma melodi som den förstnämnda, men texten är istället en hyllning till James Dean. "And they say that he'll be known for evermore, as the Rebel Without A Cause." Ypperligt.

There’s a story told of a very gentle boy
And the girl who wore his ring
Through the wintry snow the world they knew was warm
For their hearts were full of spring

As the days grew old and the nights passed into time
And the weeks and years took wing
Gentle boy, tender girl, their love remained still young
For their hearts were full of spring

Then one day they died
And their graves were side by side on a hill where robins sing
And they say violets grow there the whole year round
For their hearts were full of spring

Ladda ner

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